From Topological phases of matter to topological waves
发布日期:2018-04-11   作者:李泽云   浏览次数:131

报告题目:From Topological phases of matter to topological waves

报告人Pierre DELPLACE, CNRS, ENS de Lyon (FRANCE)

主持人:武愕 教授





The discovery of the quantum Hall effect in 1980, and later the one of the quantum spin Hall effect in 2006, drastically renewed our understanding of the phases of matter by promoting topology as one of the key tool to apprehend electronic materials. Quickly, topology became a cornerstone of many areas in physics, starting with optics, as it turns

out to provide useful tools to describe waves in general, beyond quantum electronic waves in semiconductors. In this seminar, I will briefly review this evolution and present two recent illustrations of topological waves; the first in periodically modulated optical waveguides, and the second in geophysical flows.

[1] Non-diffracting states in one-dimensional Floquet photonic topological insulators

M. Bellec, C. Michel, H. Zhang, S. Tzortzakis and P. Delplace

2017 EPL 119 14003

[2] Topological origin of geophysical waves

P. Delplace, J. B. Martson and A. Venaille

Science 358, 1075 (2017)


Since 2015 CNRS Researcher at the Laboratoire de Physique, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, FRANCE

2014-2015 National Grant ANR (welcome of high level researchers) on the Topological Properties of Dynamical Systems. Post-doc at the Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon, with David Carpentier.

2010-2014 Post-doc at the Université de Genève on topological insulators and mesoscopic physics with Markus Büttiker.

2010 PhD thesis supervised by Gilles Montambaux, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, l’Université Paris-Sud 11, entitled Edge states and Dirac cones in bidimensionnal crystals : (https ://