Ultrafast laser technology and tabletop coherent EUV light sources—applications and prospects
发布日期:2017-10-30   作者:李泽云   浏览次数:132

题目:Ultrafast laser technology and tabletop coherent EUV light sources—applications and prospects

报告人:Henry C. Kapteyn



地点:理科大楼A510 报告厅


Henry C. Kapteyn is CEO of Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories Inc. (KMLabs), a Professor of Physics and ECE at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a Fellow of JILA, a research institute joint between the University of Colorado and NIST. Prof. Kapteyn is a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the AAAS, American Physical Society, and the Optical Society of America, and recipient of numerous awards for his work in ultrafast laser science and technology, including the RW Wood Prize of the OSA, the Schawlow Award of the APS, and the Zewail Award of the American Chemical Society.


Femtosecond lasers have recently become extensively used for industrial materials processing applications and precision matching. However, the development of robust, high average power femtosecond lasers has also proven an enabling technology for making coherent light at very short wavelengths using the high-harmonic generation (HHG) process. Although HHG was originally considered an atomic physics curiosity when first observed ¼ century ago, advances in technology have made it the first truly practical means to implement a tabletop-scale “x-ray laser.” Furthermore, the application of these sources for materials characterization and nanoimaging are becoming increasingly relevant for industrial and commercial applications. KMLabs’ goal is to commercialize both the source technology and industrial and scientific applications such as ultrahigh-resolution nanoimaging in support of next-generation nanoelectronics manufacturing.