Gallium Nitride and conformable metasurfaces
发布日期:2018-08-06   作者:李泽云   浏览次数:186

报告题目:Gallium Nitride and conformable metasurfaces

报告人Dr. Patrice Genevet

主持人:Konstantin Dorfman





We explore the fabrication and characterization of GaN semiconductor based metasurfaces. Several nanofabrication approaches are discussed including free standing metasurface membranes, direct etching and sublimation of GaN metastructures to deflect and focus light at visible wavelength. We propose a new approach to compensate the effect of chromatic dispersion in refractive material with metasurfaces. We will also introduce the concept of conformal boundary optics to design arbitrary photonic response of conformal metasurfaces.


Dr. Patrice Genevet

Research Scientist I

Centre de recherche sur l'hetero-epitaxie et ses applications (CRHEA- UPR 10)

Rue Bernard Gregory, 06560, Valbonne, France

Current Position

2015 CNRS research Scientist I, (charge de recherche)

Centre de Recherche sur l'hetero-epitaxie et ses applications, Valbonne, France.

Previous research Positions and Education

2014 Senior Research Scientist I, grade 4

A*STAR, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, 638075, Singapore.

2011-2014 Research Associate at Harvard University

Development of ultra-thin plasmonic interfaces for controlling light.

2009-2011 Post-Doctoral fellow at Harvard University in Prof. Capasso group in collaboration with Prof. Marlan O. Scully (Texas A&M University). Investigation of plasmonic structures for linear and nonlinear optics and spectroscopy.

    1. Ph.D in physics at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis under the direction of Prof. J.R. Tredicce and Dr. S. Barland. Title of the thesis: “Localized lasing structures in broad area coupled microresonators”. Thesis defended October, 9, 2009 mention “très honorable”.University teacher formation (“Monitorat d’initiation à l’enseignement supérieur”, Univ. Of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, France).

2004-2006 Master OMEGA option Nonlinear Dynamics at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNSA), mention “très bien” obtained in july 2006.