Timing ultrafast processes, non-adiabaticity and time itself
发布日期:2020-07-27   作者:李泽云   浏览次数:363

报告题目:Timing ultrafast processes, non-adiabaticity and time itself

报告人:Prof. Jan M. Rost


报告时间:2020-07-29 16:00

报告地点:腾讯会议(ID: 239 822 154)



Measuring implies interaction with the object to be measured. To render the observation meaningful, the interaction should have negligible influence on it. Under this aspect, we will discuss two prominent ultrafast timing techniques, the attoclock timing strong field ionization, and the streaking technique for measuring (single) photoionization time delays. Keeping here the interaction effects negligible requires the period of the attoclock or streaking laser to be long compared to the relevant time scale of the active electron. Otherwise non-adiabatic effects kick in. For streaking shifts we will show how to quantify these effects with the underlying energy absorption of the electron from the streaking laser. In the end we will briefly explore the consequences for time if the interaction of light and matter is minimized.


Jan M. Rost教授,1990年博士毕业于德国弗莱堡大学,自1999年起任德国马克斯普朗克复杂系统物理研究所所长,自2000年起兼任德累斯顿工业大学理论物理教授。主要研究兴趣在于强场超快物理、超冷原子物理理论。