Subject:The Coalescence Behavior of Two-dimensional Materials Revealed by Multi-scale in situ Imaging during Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth
Speaker:Prof. Zhun-Jun Wang
Emcee:Prof. Qinghong Yuan
Time:10:00 am,20th Oct, 2020
Place:Optics Building A408
About the Speaker:
Wafer-scale monocrystalline two-dimensional (2D) materials can theoretically be grown by seamless coalescence of individual domains into a large single-crystal. Here I present a concise study of the coalescence behavior of crystalline 2D films using a combination of complementary in situ methods. Direct observation of overlayer growth from the atomic to the meso-scale and under model- and industrially relevant growth conditions reveals the influence of the film-substrate interaction on the crystallinity of the 2D film. In the case of weakly interacting substrates, the coalescence behavior is dictated by the inherent growth kinetics of the 2D film. It is shown that the merging of co-aligned domains leads to a distinct modification of the growth dynamics through the formation of fast-growing high-energy edges. The latter can be traced down to a reduced kink-creation energy at the interface between well-aligned domains. In the case of strongly interacting substrates, the lattice mismatch between film and substrate induces a pronounced Moiré corrugation that determines the growth and coalescence behavior. It furthermore imposes additional criteria for seamless coalescence and determines the structure of grain boundaries. The experimental findings are confirmed by theory based growth simulations and can be generalized to other 2D materials. Based on the gained understanding of the relation between film–substrate interaction, shape evolution and coalescence behavior, a general framework for the optimization of large-scale production of monocrystalline 2D materials is established.