Precision spectroscopy play an important role in improving the ability to explore the laws of nature and to solve the major needs of the country.“The history of physics shows that, when the accuracy of the measurements is improved, new physics may be discovered and explored.”---Nobel Prize Lecture 2005.The improvement on the accuracy of the precision spectroscopy lies in the temporal, spatial and spectral resolution, and detection sensitivity. SKLPS is knowledge-based and target-oriented so as to combine the benefits of a long term generic laboratory culture in the field of precision spectroscopy with the momentum and flexibility of more intensively focused projects of both fundamental and applied relevance. SKLPS has been primarily aiming at research in the spectroscopy with high sensitivity, resolution and precision. Three cornerstone areas of competence have been identified and are now serving as the backbone for projects as follows:
1. Precise control of the optical field in time and frequency domain;
New mechanism and techniques for improving temporal and spectral resolution;
Innovative techniquesof cold ytterbium optical clock;
Precison spectroscopy at new wavelength;
Exploration of ultrafast optical field based on time-frequency precision control.
2. Precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules;
Precision spectroscopy of cold atoms and cold molecules;
Laser cooling and precise manipulation of atoms and molecules;
Precise spectroscopy of free radical molecules and transient molecules.
3. Ultra-sensitive spectroscopy;
New mechanism and methods of ultra sensitive spectroscopy;
Newtechniquesand instruments for single photon detection and manipulation;
Nonlinear optics at single-photon level;
Quantum correlation beam of atomic ensemble.