【校级报告】Initiating and probing molecular modes of charge migration
发布日期:2021-12-08   作者:秦梦瑶   浏览次数:83

报告人:Mette Gaarde教授(路易斯安那州立大学)   





Mette Gaarde, 美国路易斯安那州立大学物理天文系教授。博士毕业于丹麦哥本哈根大学,主要从事强场超快动力学理论物理研究,近年来对固体高次谐波理论发展做出突出贡献。Nature, Nature Photonics, Nature PhysicsNature Communications, Phys. Rev. Lett. 等期刊发表学术论文120余篇,引用7500余次,H影响因子47. 2011年获APS会士2015年获OSA会士2017年获APS优秀审稿人,2019年获得LSU杰出教授奖。


Charge migration (CM) refers to the rapid movement of a positively charged hole in a molecule following localized ionization or excitation, and typically takes place on the attosecond or few-femtosecond time scale, and it is considered a precursor to more permanent structural or chemical changes. In this talk, I will focus on our recent theory efforts on how to characterize and probe charge migration in molecules. In particular, I will discuss on questions relevant to successful CM experiments, such as which molecules best support CM and to what extent the dynamics of CM are influenced by how it is initiated, and I will show how to probe CM using high-harmonic sideband spectroscopy.