【校级报告】From Light-Matter interactions to Quantum Technologies
发布日期:2022-10-11   作者:秦梦瑶   浏览次数:54

报告人:Neil Corzo 教授   


主持人:荆杰泰 教授   



ZOOM会议 ID884 3097 4339,密码:123456   



Neil Vladimir Corzo Trejo is a graduate of the Higher School of Physics and Mathematics of the National Polytechnic Institute. He obtained the degree of Doctor in Physical Sciences from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV 2012) in Mexico City. During his doctorate, he completed a 4-year research stay in the Laser Cooling and Trapping Group led by Dr. William D. Phillips (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1997) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland, United States. There he developed his doctoral research in the generation of entangled states and compressed light. Subsequently, he completed two postdoctoral stays, one at Northwestern University in Illinois, United States, and the second at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in Paris, France. The latter through one of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholarships of the European Union. He is currently a Research Professor at CINVESTAV-Querétaro and a member of the National System of Researchers. His areas of interest are Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics, Quantum Communication and Metrology.


Light-matter interaction is a key element in the development of quantum optics and quantum information science, including quantum computing, quantum simulation, and quantum networks; and it is at the center of the generation of quantum technologies. In this talk, I will describe different experimental developments of light-matter interfaces and their applications toward quantum technologies. 

In the first part, I will talk about an interface where light, tightly guided by a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber, strongly interacts with 1D atomic chains near its vicinity. In particular, I will describe the most recent result using this interface: the storage and retrieval of a single collective excitation in the atomic ensemble.

In the second part, I will talk about the recent progress in the newly created Quantum Technologies Laboratory at CINVESTAV-México. Here, exploiting the light-matter interaction we are generating quantum technologies to generate Quantum Gravimeters, Quantum Memories, BEC, and Quantum Cryptography systems.