【校级报告】Excitons and Polaritons in van der Waals Hetero-bilayers
发布日期:2021-09-28   作者:秦梦瑶   浏览次数:95

报告人Prof. Dr. Hui Deng

主持人孙政 研究员





Hui Deng is presently a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Michigan. She received his undergraduate degree in physics from Tsinghua University in 1999, and her Ph.D. in physics from Stanford University in 2006. Then she worked at the California Institute of Technology as a Postdoctoral fellow. Till 2008, she came to the University of Michigan. In 2017 she was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society and in 2018 she was named a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. Her work has been in solid state optics, in particular on the discovery, creation, control and applications of quantum states in single-, few-, and many-body systems with matter-light couplings.  Current topics focus on light-matter interactions in van der Waals materials, phase transitions in strongly coupled charge and photon systems based on III-As or 2D materials in novel photonic structures, and applications of these systems to new photonic technologies and quantum information science. 



Van der Waals semiconductors provide a platform for creating two-dimensional crystals layer-by-layer and engineering excitonic states therein with exceptional properties. As moiré lattice form in a heterobilayer, carriers can tunnel between closely aligned bands in the two neighboring monolayers, leading to hybrid states that combine a large oscillator strength similar to intra-layer excitons and tunability of inter-layer ones. Such hybrid states are manifestations of the formation of moiré lattices. When coupled to cavities, the quantum confined nature of excitons in each moiré cell manifests as strong polariton nonlinearity, providing a potentially highly tunable system for ultra-low-power optoelectronics and quantum polaritonics.